






[ Peace as a Global Language ]



Learning SDGs in the English classroom

参加費:無料 [定員25名]


共 催:関係性の教育学会[ LINK ]


Calling for Participation
#19 AGEnT* meeting [ by a zoom meeting & in person ]
Date & Time: Oct. 15th. 2023. Sunday, 17:45 - 19:30 (JST)
Speaker: Ms. Cheryl Woelk ( Collective Joy Consulting, Seoul, ROK )
Topic: "Language for Peace”
Place: Online & Bunkyo - Kumin - Center 2E
4-15-14, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Fee: Free of charge
*Registration: on the link below
after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding your meeting participation.
Better Together: Leveraging Group Dynamics in Conversational English Classes
Korea TESOL Video
Real World English: Negotiation Skills for Intercultural Conflict Resolution in ELT
by Kazuya ASAKAWA


Calling for Participation

#17 AGEnT* meeting [ by a zoom meeting  ]

Date & Time : July. 23rd. 2023. Sunday, 10:00 - 11:45 (JST)

Topic : "Why a World BEYOND War is so important *now*"

Speaker : Prof. Joseph Essertier, who is the Coordinator of the Japan chapter of World BEYOND War ( Nagoya )

Fee: Free of charge

Registration: on the link below

< https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcO-tpjkpGd1Aq2LHhbOjMax2BL6ZwKtU >

after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding your meeting participation.

*AGEnT, Association of Global English Teaching

https://globalenglishteaching.jimdofree.com/ >

**World BEYOND War



#16 AGEnT* meeting [ by a zoom meeting & in person ]


Date & Time : June. 18th. 2023. Sunday, 17:45 - 19:15 (JST)

Place:Online & Bunkyo - Kumin - Center 2E

4-15-14, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Speaker:Prof. Louise Haynes ( Nagoya City University )

Topic:Social Issues in Song**

Fee: Free of charge

*Registration: on the link below XXX

after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding your meeting participation.


**Social Issues in Song



#15 AGEnT* meeting [ by a zoom meeting & in person ]

Theme: Japanese culture outside of japan

Date & Time : May. 6th. 2023. Saturday, 17:00 - 18:30 (JST)

Place:Online & Bunkyo - Kumin - Center 3E

4-15-14, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Speakers & Topics:

Prof. Karl Ian U Cheng Chua 

( Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University )


Registration: on the link below xxx

after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding your meeting participation.




AGEnT meeting [ by a zoom meeting & in person ]

Theme:Future for teaching & learning without borders

Date & Time : April. 16th. 2023. Sunday, 17:00 - 18:30

Place:Online & Bunkyo - Kumin - kaikan 3E

4-15-14, Hongo, Bunnkyo-ku, Tokyo




Possibilities for Collaborative Education Programs with Kenyan Institutions: An Example of Grapesyard School**

Prof. Zane Ritchie ( Josai Univ.), Prof. Michael Parrish ( Kwanseigakuin Univ.) & Prof. Richard Miller ( Osaka Jogakuin Univ.)


*Registrationt: on the link below xxx

after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information regarding your meeting participation.


** Grapesyard Kenya




AGEnT OnLine meeting [ by a zoom meeting ]

Date & Time : March. 12th. 2023. Sunday, 10:00 - 11:45

Tittle : 

But what if we are "lions in the classroom but only lambs on the street"?: the LNIS-ACTED framework applied to conceptualising the integration, of classroom teaching on global and social issues, with broader movements/campaigns, learning, empowerment and leadership for students outside the traditional didactic classroom, with simulation teaching methodology as a case study


Prof. Paul Duffill

Adjunct Lecturer, Center for Foreign Language Education and Research (FLER), Rikkyo University




AGEnT meeting

日 時:2022年10月30日(日)午前10時30分から12時


下島 泰子




AGEnT meeting

Date & Time : Oct. 16th. 2022. Sunday 15:00 - 16:30

Place : Online [ zoom meeting ]& In Person

Tittle : The human and cultural exchange between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia

Speaker : 

Prof. Jung, Bub Mo

Ph.D. in Anthropology

Division of International and Area Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea



日 時:2022年9月11日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:室井美智子(清泉女学院大学


PGL・AGEnT meet up

日 時:2022年8月6日(土)午後2時~4時

報 告:Undertaking educational projects in the slums of Nairobi with Japanese university students

ゲスト: Ritchie Zane( Josai University )

会 場:アカデミー音羽3階学習室A[定員36名]


*城西大学現代政策学部教員コラム[2020年1月 ケニアのスラム学校パソコンラボのプロジェクト リッチー ザイン]



PGL・AGEnT meet up

―PGL(Peace as a Global Language Japan)  Collaborative Events


Date: August 6th, 2022, 14:00 - 16:30 (JST)

Speaker: Ritchie Zane ( Josai University )

Tittle: Undertaking educational projects in the slums of Nairobi with Japanese university students

Place:Gakusyu Shitsu (study room) A at the third floor of Academy Otowa (Otowa community learning center )


"Collaborating with Japanese University Students on a Computer Laboratory Project in a Nairobi Slum School"


can download it here




日 時:2022年7月10日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:協同学習でグローバルイシューを主体的に学ぶ4年間の取り組み

吉住 香織神田外語大学



日 時:2022年6月26日(日)10:30-12:00
報 告:Challenging the war system: Skills for peacebuilding

Kathy R. Matsui(清泉女子大学・地球市民学科)

Challenging the War System Skills for peacebuilding
Challenging the War System Skills for pe
PDFファイル 870.5 KB


日 時:2022年5月1日(日)10:30-12:00
報 告:「コミュニケーション英語Ⅲ:1年間の取り組みで目指したいこと~地球市民の育成という観点から」
斉藤 貴子(川越総合高校



日 時:2022年4月3日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:「難民」理解を深めるには〜国際機関や国際NGOのリソースから

淺川 和也(明治学院大学国際平和研究所[客員]研究員)





日 時:2022年3月20日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:EuroClio*によるウクライナ侵攻に関する資料〜

Resources to teach about the invasion of Ukraine」

淺川 和也(明治学院大学国際平和研究所[客員]研究員)

*European Association of History Educators:ヨーロッパ歴史教育者協会





日 時:2022年1月23日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:ヨーロッパの人権・歴史教育の教材から

浅川 和也(明治学院大学国際平和研究所[客員]研究員)



日 時:2022年2月20日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:「参加型で学ぶ開発教育」ーこれまでの実践を振り返ってー

発表者:小林香保里(立命館大学 言語教育推進機構 外国語専任講師)



日 時:2021年12月12日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:CLILのアプローチで社会課題に向かう授業

工藤 泰三(名古屋学院大学)



日 時:2021年11月21日(日)10:30-12:00

報 告:「SDGs×Discussion SDGsで学ぶ英語ディスカッション」

吉原 令子(日本大学教員)